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myPlan Healthcare Toolkit

Healthcare providers have an opportunity to prevent the impacts of intimate partner violence (IPV). Though providers want the best for their patients, they often face barriers to adequately responding to patients experiencing IPV - that’s why we created the free myPlan Healthcare Toolkit.

With high demands and tight workflows, healthcare providers are pulled in a million directions, often leaving them with limited time with their patients. The acute and long-term health effects of experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) are well documented, thus more and more health systems have implemented IPV screening*, requiring providers to ask patients if they feel safe at home. But what happens when a patient bravely says “no”? An abuse disclosure can be stressful, and time constraints and limited training with domestic violence can impact the of quality care; this is where myPlan can help.

myPlan is a free domestic violence safety planning app developed by abuse survivors, healthcare providers, and domestic violence experts. It’s evidence-based and backed by Johns Hopkins University clinical trial research. With myPlan, healthcare providers can support their patients who are experiencing relationship abuse and offer patients a quick and tailored resource that won’t take up extra time in their workflow.

The myPlan Healthcare Toolkit can integrate into health professionals’ existing patient care and also includes:

  • A Healthcare and IPV Overview for healthcare providers

  • Flyers and posters (English and Spanish versions)

  • Provider handouts (English and Spanish versions)

  • A social media kit and customizable email templates

  • Informational and training PowerPoint slides

*Universal education rather than screening is a recommended approach as this does not require patents to disclose abuse to receive resources. For more info visit Futures Without Violence resources at

Get the free healthcare toolkit 👇

 What healthcare providers are saying about myPlan

IPV is an important health issue. This free evidence-based app provides help that is anonymous, confidential, safe, and available 24/7. It's convenient, delivers safety information in the way most people consume health education.


I am so excited about the app! I use it as a resource to give to patients and I have shared it with our providers for them to use, too.


Even if you don’t have the time or expertise to talk with patients about domestic abuse, it’s important to offer resources. You can address patient safety, health, and well-being by letting them know about myPlan.


What’s included in the healthcare toolkit?

Let patients and providers know about myPlan with these downloadable materials.

Flyers & Handouts

Email & Presentation Templates

Introduce myPlan to administrators, providers, and staff with customizable templates.

Introduce myPlan to your organization by using the provided messaging to email staff or administrators.

Social Media Posts

Who is the toolkit for?

Healthcare Providers & Staff

Resources for anyone providing patient care including clinic staff, medical assistants, nurses, physicians, behavioral health providers, or home health providers, in any setting such as primary care clinics, hospitals, community health centers, reproductive health clinics, or campus health centers.