How to Help a Friend in an Abusive Relationship
If you suspect or know a friend is in a toxic relationship, here are some of the BEST things you can do to support your friend and be a true ally.
How to Get a Secret Phone for Safe Communication
People experiencing abusive behavior from a partner are creatively navigating their safety every day. One strategy for survivors to have a safe communication method is to obtain a second phone that the abusive partner doesn't know about. Here are steps to carefully and discreetly get a phone if you or a loved one’s phone is being monitored.
The "Red Zone": College Campus IPV Rates & Student Safety
The "red zone" is the most dangerous time on college campuses. Learn how students and universities can work together to combat college dating violence and abuse.
A Breakdown of Title IX: What to know as you head back to school
Learn about the 2024 Title IX changes and what it means for college students and higher education institutions.
What "Counts" as Domestic Violence?
“Domestic violence” is a broad term that can leave people wondering: what the heck is actually considered domestic violence? At myPlan, you ask, and we answer.
Comprehensive List: How Abusers Prevent Their Victims From Leaving
Telling people to "just leave" an abusive relationship is not the simple solution we'd like to think it is. Get the real truth about why victims stay.
Celebrating Women's History: Their Courage in the Domestic Violence Movement
Throughout history, women have been at the forefront of various social movements, advocating for change, justice, and equality. One of many movements where women have played a pivotal role is the fight against domestic violence.
The Impact of Domestic Violence on the Black Community
The historical oppression of Black people and continued institutional racism have a significant impact on how DV is perceived, experienced, and addressed within Black communities and broader society.
Survivor Story: Master Manipulators and Teen Dating Violence
Abusers are master manipulators. Erika Kura is a teen dating violence survivor and she uses her lived experience to detail the realities and insidious tactics abusers use to gain control of their victims.
Can a Toxic Relationship Become Healthy?
Have you been told that your relationship with your partner seems “toxic”? This article can help you differentiate a toxic relationship from an abusive one.